❗U.S. War Secretary Austin just – “frankly” – outlined the road to full-scale NATO-Russia war

❗U.S. War Secretary Austin just – “frankly” – outlined the road to full-scale NATO-Russia war

Jan Oberg

March 4, 2024

The video below may give you a more than two-hour hearing. Please click on this to see only the two minutes mentioned with his shocking statement.

Dear Reader

Archive this less than 2-minute video so you will remember who presented this perverse eschatological – end-times – vision first.

Austin here reveals how the real NATO is is anything but what you are told: it’s offensive, pursues out-of-area operations(e.g. Yugoslavia), willing to fight an opponent we are told is a huge threat and NATO is inferior to. And, thus, it has operated in complete violation of its treaty’s peaceful, defensive provisions.

He did not say that NATO will fight if Russia attacks a NATO country. He says NATO will fight Russia if Ukraine falls. Ukraine is a non-NATO country (which NATO should have nothing to do with).

Ask yourself who threatens whom.

Ask how you think people in Moscow will interpret and react to his words.

Notice how he searches for words and invents on the go because his mind isn’t clear – and it should be in matters like these.

Take note of how he postulates the Russian threat out of the blue and without a shred of evidence or probability.

And shiver at the fact that he does not say – “but we must do what we can to avoid that” or “we of course do not want that.” No, Russia shall be destroyed in Ukraine or in Russia.

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Did you ever hear Putin talking about fighting NATO or destroying its member states? I didn’t.

The more such irresponsible, anti-intellectual, unethical and threatening things are stated, the more difficult it will be to change course or back down in the future. Lloyd Austin is an awfully bad strategist.

And all this happens to cover up for NATO’s Himalayan blunder of expanding to Ukraine against warnings from loads of people who knew their trade including e.g. George Kennan, Jack Matlock and the present CIA chief, William Burns – all of whom had been US ambassadors in Moscow.

Furthermore, if you’d asked international affairs experts at any point up to the Russian invasion, they would have told you that Ukraine was of little-to-no strategic importance to the US/NATO world.

Except – now – NATO has turned it into a stepping stone to Armageddon.

In my view, the massive promotion of Russia as a threat is nothing but a psycho-political projection by NATO of its own worst sides onto Russia. Over 75 years, we have heard that the Soviet Union and Russia are coming. But they’ve never attacked a NATO member or a neutral state.

In reality, however, it is NATO coming to Russia. The West has done that before…

Read about this man whose whole life has been military. He wears an inner as well as outer uniform and doesn’t seem to know what real life is. Thus, as I said above, extremely dangerous.

4 Responses to "❗U.S. War Secretary Austin just – “frankly” – outlined the road to full-scale NATO-Russia war"

  1. Pingback: La Russia non è una minaccia per stati NATO o neutrali. Punto e basta. - Centro Studi Sereno Regis

  2. Pingback: Rusland er ikke en trussel mod NATO eller neutrale stater. Punktum. – 🗝 Jan Oberg

  3. Pingback: Hur tänker USA:s försvarsminister? Livsfarlig? - Global Politics

  4. Pingback: Russia is not a threat to NATO or neutral states. Full stop. - The Transnational

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