The Liberal Contempt for Martin Luther King’s Final Year

The Liberal Contempt for Martin Luther King’s Final Year

Photo: Martin Luther King. [bswise / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0] Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon June 29, 2021 The MLK tributes are sure to pour on the anniversary of the civil rights hero’s death, but don’t expect them to acknowledge his anti-militarist ideals. The anniversary of his assassination always brings a flood of tributes to Martin Luther King Jr., […]

The addiction to militarism spells the end of the US as we know it

The addiction to militarism spells the end of the US as we know it

By Jan Oberg April 10, 2019 A major economic factor behind the relative decline of the US is one hardly ever mentioned, at least not in the Western mainstream circles: Militarism. The US is militarizing itself to death. (1) Instead, we get a constant news stream about all the enemies the US believes it has […]

So Trump thinks the military expenditures level is ‘crazy’

So Trump thinks the military expenditures level is ‘crazy’

By Jan ObergDecember 6, 2018 How interesting! President Trump tweets on December 3, that he believes that the present level of military expenditures are ‘crazy’ – and he wants to talk with China and Russia about reducing them. I was asked by Russia Today to comment on that and here is what I said – […]