Dario Rivolta: On the role of the West in the Ukraine Crisis

Dario Rivolta: On the role of the West in the Ukraine Crisis

Dario Rivolta 10 October, 2022 The European sanctions on Russia would have expired on 31 January 2017. They were imposed at a time as one insinuated that the Russian side had a hostile attitude in the question of Ukraine. These sanctions have been extended for six months at an early stage. Certainly, the reason for […]

Kishore Mahbubani: The G-7, G-20 paradox

Kishore Mahbubani: The G-7, G-20 paradox

Image: Wikimedia Commons By P&I Guest Writers August 24, 2022 The G-7 countries are democratic domestically but are dictatorial globally. By contrast, the G-20 group, which has many autocratic regimes, represents a more democratic forum for governance. The G-7 is dictatorial, while the G-20 is democratic. This statement is obviously paradoxical. The G-7 countries are very […]

Boaventura de Sousa Santos: Europe is sleepwalking into another world war

Boaventura de Sousa Santos: Europe is sleepwalking into another world war

Boaventura de Sousa Santos April 8, 2022 Originally posted on Independent Media Institute’s homepage on April 4th, 2022 More than 100 years after World War I, Europe’s leaders are sleepwalking toward a new all-out war. In 1914, the European governments believed that the war would last three weeks; it lasted four years and resulted in […]

Peaceful societies are not utopian fantasy. They exist.

Peaceful societies are not utopian fantasy. They exist.

When a Nordic dispute over the strategically important Åland Islands arose in the early 20th century, Finland and Sweden turned to international mediation to resolve the issue peacefully. Photo permission and credit by Douglas P. Fry. Douglas P. Fry, Geneviève Souillac March 30, 2021 The ancestral tribes of the Iroquois lived in constant fear of each other and […]

Did the Fall of the Berlin Wall Produce the Trump Presidency?

Did the Fall of the Berlin Wall Produce the Trump Presidency?

Austere “shock therapy” after the Cold War only shocked the East into reaction. In the West, the corporate political center ultimately did the same. By John Feffer November 18, 2019 The Berlin Wall fell 30 years ago. It was one of the few unambiguously joyous moments in modern history. This popular, nonviolent explosion of dissent […]

French president Macron pushes at speed

French president Macron pushes at speed

  Jonathan Power  July 3, 2018 At last week’s European summit the leaders spent most of the time discussing immigration restrictions. Yet the Syrian rush through the Mediterranean is now a trickle. The African migration is down by 95%. No wonder that Emmanuel Macron, the young (40) president of France, was frustrated. Although he spent […]

Thursday’s EU summit must conquer misleading immigration policies

Thursday’s EU summit must conquer misleading immigration policies

  By Jonathan Power June 28, 2018 Navel-gazing can sometimes be a good thing. But, as the self-help books and articles advocate, looking at one’s achievements to date to boost one’s morale is always a good step forward before attempting to improve the mind and spirit. Europe’s summit opens on Thursday. With immigration the central […]