The Second Cold War is coming: It will be quite different from the one with the Soviet Union

The Second Cold War is coming: It will be quite different from the one with the Soviet Union

Cooperation would be much better for all, more desirable and perfectly possible. But some want confrontation. Roberto Savio February 2, 2020 It will be quite different from the Cold War with the Soviet Union… While the Coronavirus has rightly taken much of our attention, a fundamental geopolitical realignment has been taking shape in the world, […]

The 10 Commandments of the ‘free world’, drifting towards the perilous faith of Sinophobia

The 10 Commandments of the ‘free world’, drifting towards the perilous faith of Sinophobia

By Gordon Dumoulin TFF Associate in Beijing December 14, 2020 When numbers do not add up anymore, people turn to faith… I couldn’t suppress the feeling of a sense of a religious undertone when I went through the following report of more than 70 pages, released a little while ago by the US Secretary of […]