Revisiting the Earth Charter

Revisiting the Earth Charter

By Richard Falk October 13, 2019 Prefatory Note: The following essay will appear as a chapter in Peter Burden & Klaus Bosselmann, eds., The Future of Global Ethics (Edward Elgar, 2018),  with the title: Revisiting the Earth Charter 20 Years Later: A Response to Ron Engel Ron Engel has articulated an insider review of the Earth […]

Dark Clouds and the Human Condition: Youth to the Rescue!

Dark Clouds and the Human Condition: Youth to the Rescue!

By Richard Falk October 1, 2019 Prefatory Note: The post below of my remarks at the opening session of the Maker Majlis Conference, College of Islamic Studies, Hamed Bin Khalif University (HBKU) in Doha, Qatar on 22 Sept 2019. The theme of the three-day conference was on the role of youth in furthering the UN […]

China’s Miracle – as seen by the official China itself

China’s Miracle – as seen by the official China itself

September 29, 2019 Editor’s note: TFF wants to let you hear how the official China looks upon itself and its achievements, particularly since the country celebrates its 79th Anniversary on October 1, 2019. The reason is that you can rest assured there will be no genuine, diverse coverage of this – Chinese and world – […]

The deepening decay of the West – and the brighter post-West future

The deepening decay of the West – and the brighter post-West future

September 25, 2019 By Jan Oberg Look at this CNN online frontpage in the evening of September 24, 2019. It may well come to be seen in the future as an indicator of the beginning of the end. Earlier that same day, Britain’s highest court ruled PM Boris Johnson’s suspension of Parliament unlawful and in […]

The China Mirage

The China Mirage

August 16, 2019 There is a permanent, more or less intensive, narrative that China is the Enemy # 1 of the West. We have the permanent US/Western assertion that China is the new military super enemy. There is the argument that the world’s – if not history’s – largest co-operative project, the Chinese-initiated Belt and […]

Mr. Pompeo’s or civilisation’s clock?

Mr. Pompeo’s or civilisation’s clock?

By Jan Oberg August 13, 2019 With due respect, Mr. Pompeo, civilisation’s clock should be ticking for what I allow myself to consider inhuman, unfair and tension-creating policies such as those you conduct. You and your President constantly tell others not to do what the US itself does tenfold worse – because, as it seems, […]

Why many Muslims hate the West

Why many Muslims hate the West

By Dr. William R. Polk June 27, 2019 Exclusive: Many Americans and Westerners are baffled by the violent rage expressed by many Muslims, but the reasons for their anger are real, deriving from a “deep history” of anti-Islamic wars and colonial exploitation of the Middle East, as ex-U.S. diplomat William R. Polk describes. Originally published by […]

The Prespa Agreement, ethnicity and nationality

The Prespa Agreement, ethnicity and nationality

Lake Prespa in Macedonia By Biljana Vankovska June 18, 2019 Abstract The Prespa Agreement (PA) between Athens and Skopje was meant to be a final solution to the ‘name issue’. Yet the dispute has never been only about the state name, which is proved by the 20-pages long text. A plethora of other provisions is […]

Islamophobia in the West

Islamophobia in the West

Islamophobia can be said to refer to the way Islam is being alienated in society by other cultures through fear and distrust against people belonging to the Islamic faith. Muslims are often portrayed in an increasingly negative context as witnessed in media, legislation and public debates. By Idriss Jazairy June 1, 2019 Islam is often […]

Stopping the bad being stronger than the good

Stopping the bad being stronger than the good

By Jonathan Power May 8, 2019 They hadn’t realized they were living in a world, as Barack Obama once said, is the best time to be alive in human history. Yet the bits and pieces of this information had been around for a long time and I’ve drawn on them in many of my columns. […]