The Corona – An opportunity to replace militarist security with common and human security. Part 1

Part 1

Governments have spent trillions on preparing for military threats created by their own policies. No one prioritised human and societal security. The unique over-reaction to COVID-19 should worry us much more than the virus itself. It can be seen as a panicky attempt to cover-up the failure of an outdated militarist security policy.

Part 2 of this seriesPart 3Part 4

Jan Oberg

April 2, 2020

The Coronavirus is a comparatively small killer

Over the last 3 months, about 40.000+ people have died worldwide because of (or with) the Coronavirus. No other phenomenon in contemporary history has caused so many drastic decisions in democratic and authoritarian governments alike as thi pandemic.

Constitutions, a series of freedoms, including the freedom of movement, and much else have been suspended and new emergency laws passed fast enough to qualify for the Guinness World Records.

Not to diminish this pandemic tragedy in the slightest way, may it be pointed out that those 40.000 Corona-related fatalities worldwide up until today is the same as the number of Venezuelans who have died because of the recent US sanctions on that country?

May it be pointed out that 40 000 is about 10% of the lives lost in the combined civil and international war of aggression since 2011 in the sovereign state and UN member, Syria, on which suffocating sanctions have also been imposed and upheld even in these times of pandemic?

The Iraq War and 13 years of sanctions cost at least about 1 million civilian lives. Other wars – Afghanistan, Pakistan – have claimed at least 875.000 lives.

Further, may it be pointed out that more than 20 000 people worldwide die every day from hunger?

Global maldevelopment, income gaps and the plight of the hundreds of millions of ‘wretched of the Earthnever caused any government, let alone all governments, to introduce any particular measures and certainly nothing as drastic as those we’re now all forced to live with.

Before the Coronavirus, the world issue most talked about was climate change. Our global house was in fire, to allude to Greta Thunberg’s famous statement. Naomi Klein advocated a planetary state of emergency.

There are more reliable facts available about the many environment-related problems and their human and other costs, now and in the future, than most people can ever digest. In spite of the knowledge produced during the last 60-70 years about this global problem, few governments, if any, can be said to have done anything effective to live sustainably. Huge international conferences aimed to move towards solutions have been utter failures.

But in a week or two, that issue disappeared completely. The Coronavirus won the political and the media attention.

And, not to forget, before the Coronavirus, there was increasing tension between NATO and Russia with signs of new Cold War in Europe, and there was an economic war with China. And… well, the attention winner called Corona took it all.

Why this drama surrounding the Corona?

How is it possible that much more urgent issues which cause so much more suffering and so many more deaths – and which existed for decades – have lead to no drastic measures, halted governments, created a turning point – or caused us all to stand with each other and with humanity?

It’s quite possible that we have no real answers yet to questions such as: How did that happen so quickly? What political psychology made it possible? What makes the Coronavirus so special?

But a globally-oriented sociological imagination – to use the classical eminent scholar C. Wright Mills‘ term – may point to some possible explanatory factors. For instance (numbers not indicative of importance):

1) Could it be that the Coronavirus has hit the richer part of the world first – China, Europe and the United States? Had 40 000 people died from some disease in Africa or South America, it’s quite likely that the wealthy of the Earth might not even have heard about it.

The largest number of deaths from war amidst maldevelopment since the Second World War is found in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It claimed 5,4 million lives between 1998 and 2008. It’s virtually unknown to people outside Africa.

2) Another reason could, of course, be that everything having to do with health means a lot to each of us; it’s something we can all empathise with: Could it hit me and my loved ones one day? In contrast, when wars rage far away from Europe and the US, people usually do not feel threatened by them and neither do they empathise with the victims in the same manner as we have seen during these Corona times.

Interesting too?  In these interesting times, black humour and satire seem more relevant than serious commenting

Although at least some wars could escalate and spread and conventional wars could transform into nuclear exchanges – as official doctrines make likely and everything is planned for it – this does not seem to catch the imagination of more than a tiny minority of outcasts – peace workers.

Of course, wars are sold by governments, alliances and the mainstream media as something serving a noble purpose – saving us from terrorism, spreading democracy, liberating women or making people understand human rights. While that has turned out to be consistently untrue and accompanied by demonization and lies about “the enemy”, nothing noble can be found in an invisible deadly virus.

In parenthesis, it is interesting to observe how the COVID-19 is talked about as a mortal danger and an invisible enemy against which we have to fight a costly war – standing patriotically together.

3) A third reason could be the dynamics of the phenomenon. It starts with a limited number of infected people and deaths at some locality (epidemic) but then spreads across continents and becomes a pandemic. Undoubtedly, this dynamic causes a real and legitimate sense of fear that the world shall experience an exponential growth which at some point becomes uncontrollable and threatens to cause fatalities in the millions.

4) One could also entertain a more cynical hypothesis:

Like when a terror event happens, the Coronavirus pandemic provides a unique opportunity for governments and state authorities – the “Leviathan” – to both tighten the controls over their subjects or citizens and, perhaps more benevolently, to show that they also care so much for them.

Fear does create a heightened willingness to abandon one’s rights and can be (mis)used politically (“fearology”) to suspend democracy and freedom for as long as it is deemed necessary by those very authorities who have cancelled the democratic procedures in the name of managing the threat more efficiently on behalf of the people, i.e. for the common good.

As they say, the road to Hell has often been paved with good intentions – or at least sold to the public as motivated by them.

How often have we not heard, these last few weeks, presidents, prime ministers and other ministers as well as, say, police and defence authorities solemnly declare just how much they care about us citizens and how strongly they want to protect us from the danger?

One dimension of this – cynical, nasty and realistic, as you prefer – is that by locking down, demanding self-isolation and closing shops and restaurants and thereby emptying the streets, all public protests against the (mis)handling of the corona situation as well as against the lockdown of democracy and freedoms can conveniently be prevented.

At least, that is, until people decide to reclaim the public spaces in the thousands and protest, violently or nonviolently.

No people will accept for any longer period of time to be de facto imprisoned in their homes just to avoid a virus that predominantly hits older people. And, you may add, particularly not if the governments cannot provide the basics during such a period and prove that they are in control of the calamity.

The situation is potentially explosive and the more so as time goes by.

Countries that can send precision-guided missiles and even nuclear weapons around the world, fight wars for decades and have troops stationed in faraway lands – and have stored everything needed for that – have now shown us that they are not able to, or rather never cared to, provide their own society and citizens with simple protective measures such as face masks, gloves, hand disinfection, protective clothing, thermometers, testing equipment or sufficient basic health care systems and capacities, nor to protect their own health workers.

5) Finally, there is the groupthink cover-up hypothesis. It can be expressed this way:

Governments have spent trillions on a security paradigm that always had only one answer to every challenge no matter its character: Larger budgets, more weapons, looking strong – having the biggest.

The only thing no government ever took seriously was the ideas of common human, local-to-global security and devising policies that enabled them to meet civilian threats – such as a pandemic – adequately.

As a result, countries that can send precision-guided missiles and even nuclear weapons around the world, fight wars and have troops stationed in faraway lands – and have stored everything needed for that sort of policy – have not been able to, or rather cared to, provide their own society and citizens with simple protective measures such as face masks, gloves, hand disinfection, protective clothing, thermometers, testing equipment or sufficient basic health care systems and capacities, nor to protect their own health workers.

Interesting too?  The dangerous case of Donald Trump: Robert Jay Lifton and Bill Moyers on ‘A Duty to Warn’

In other words, the official threat analyses were not aimed at telling us what in reality threatened our countries or the world. They were produced to fit the needs of the larger military system – what for years I have called the MIMAC, the Military-Industrial-Media-Academic Complex. It basically implied that you talk only about foreign enemies and their weapons (never about your own activities), and then citizens would feel threatened – and therefore convinced as taxpayers – that “we” need more weapons to feel secure against “them”.

Whether we are threatened by “the other” in reality and according to some decent objective criteria or not is totally unimportant. Whether this way of thinking – or the lack of it – would ever bring about a more peaceful world – who cared as long as it served the greed of the MIMAC elites?

Find a policy more in need of cover-up in these corona times when it has now been revealed to the world that we indeed have no common human security. The government cover-up is simple: Oh, but we care so much for our citizens (at least since we found out that the Coronavirus was a serious thing).

It is a bit late.

These policies must change. There can be no military ‘business as usual’ after the Coronavirus.

This conflict between citizens’ human security and right to peace and governments’ national(istic) military security and the grotesquely huge sums spent on the latter to the detriment of the former is fundamental to the entire global system. We find it in the East and West, the South and the North, although not to the same degree everywhere.

The main military destroyers, of course, have a larger problem to face now than those who are less addicted to military power.

And this civilisational problem pertains to both democracies and more authoritarian political systems – with the exception of the few countries that have decided to have no military such as Iceland and Costa Rica.

The most important lesson to learn

Part 2 of this series will focus on the Corona as what it is apart from being a health issue: It’s a security political problem – a diaster. It proves with abundant clarity that the military-dominated security paradigm and politics pursued by virtually all governments have been wrong in theory and practise all the time. It shows how counterproductive and irresponsible it is – particularly in what we used to call democracies.

That outdated policy has been oriented towards the wrong “enemy” and done unspeakable harm to humanity and to Nature (see examples above).

It must go. A new way of thinking must now emerge, demanded by the people whose security has been so arrogantly ignored.

The Corona pandemic is our best-ever wake-up call.

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Part 2 of this seriesPart 3Part 4

alt="Jan Oberg"

Jan Oberg is co-founder and director of TFF with more than 40 years of experience in public and university teaching in peace studies and on-the-ground experience from numerous conflict zones. He is also an art photographer.
More about him here.

Sign the International Peace Bureau’s Appeal “Invest in Healthcare instead of Militarization” here.

14 Responses to "The Corona – An opportunity to replace militarist security with common and human security. Part 1"

  1. Pingback: The Corona as an opportunity: Reboot humanity and change security thinking and policies | The Transnational

  2. Pingback: The Corona – An opportunity to replace militarist security with … –

  3. Pingback: The Corona - An opportunity to replace militarist security with common and human security. Part 4 | The Transnational

  4. Pingback: Il problema oltre il COVID-19: fermare la militarizzazione del mondo | Elena Camino - Centro Studi Sereno Regis

  5. Pingback: The implosion of walls between movements in reaction to COVID19 | Activists for Peace

  6. Pingback: The Corona. An opportunity to replace militarist security with common and human security – Scienza & Pace Magazine

  7. Pingback: The Corona - An opportunity to replace militarist security with common and human security. Part 3 | The Transnational

  8. Chuck Woolery   April 15, 2020 at 3:14 pm

    Jan Oberg’s 40 years of experience in “teaching in peace studies and on-the-ground experience from numerous conflict zones” shielded him from the persistent and far greater human cost of global poverty — and the consistent and incontestable fact that it is largely the lethality of poverty (in terms of easily preventable malnutrition and related infectious diseases) that fuels wars. From the hunger in Germany after WW I, to many of the third world scrapes inviting military action since then. Peace activists have believed that disarmament would end wars. This is just as foolish as thinking more and better armaments can stop them. It was exactly 40 years ago that a bipartisan Presidential Commission on World Hunger unanimously summarized ““In the final analysis, unless Americans — as citizens of an increasingly interdependent world — place far higher priority on overcoming world hunger, its effects will no longer remain remote or unfamiliar. Nor can we wait until we reach the brink of the precipice; the major actions required do not lend themselves to crisis planning, patchwork management, or emergency financing… The hour is late. Age-old forces of poverty, disease, inequity, and hunger continue to challenge the world. Our humanity demands that we act upon these challenges now…” Oberg’s distraction with the ravages of war in his formative years blinded him to the profound suffering (nearly 10 times the pace of genocide during WW II) of 42,000 children under the age of 5 dying EVERY DAY as a result of easily preventable hunger and related infectious diseases — even in the absence of any local war. Regardless of later reports stating the same need to address root causes over the next 40 years of his “peace work” he and other peace activists didn’t take their eye off the ‘peace’ ball. And here’s the real killer. It has been the ‘group think’ of both the peace movement and the environmental movement that has prevented them from engaging in a collective effort to address the greatest root cause of war, pandemics, terrorism, global warming, species extinction, revolutions, genocide, and other lethal consequences of injustices. NOTE: After the horrors of WW II the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created by those who recognized this basic need to address root causes. But each of the movements and their specialized organizations entered into a ‘zero-sum game’ competing with one another for limited federal funding, media attention, public memberships and access to policy makers. This short sighted thinking effectively nullified any chance of the comprehensive approach needed to address root causes globally and holistically. They continue this flawed approach to this day — by failing to create a “movement of Movements” that would have the capacity tap the $32 trillion stashed in offshore accounts by kleptocrats, oligarchs, crime cartels, violent extremist groups, and wealthy capitalists avoiding taxes. It is simply for lack of political will that prevents this holistic approach to ensure human security, freedom from fear, and both a sustainable environment and future prosperity. I don’t expect this rant to change anyone’s mind. I’ve been pushing this ‘agenda’ since I saw the failings of the ‘zero-sum game” in my 40 years of advocating for the human right to security in all its forms. In the mid 1990s the threat of pandemics and the inevitable consequences we see today were expressed two consecutive years in Congressional testimony. Testimony that documented what real public health experts had been warning about during the 20 years prior. I don’t blame China or Trump for this pandemic. Both were slow and confusing in their response. I blame the human mind. A this stage in our evolution we should have overcome our tendency to focus on immediate problems or conspiracy theories — instead of doing the deeper thinking needed to understand the national and global systemic flaws that persistently ignore fundamental principles. Such as ‘no justice – no peace’ (the Pope). Or, ‘Peace is not a function of armaments or disarmament. It is a function of justice. (1945 Emery Reves, Anatomy of Peace). “Do unto others” (Jesus Christ…and every other wise human for the last 2000 years.)

    • JO   April 15, 2020 at 8:32 pm

      Hi Chuck Wollery – Thanks. 1) I shall let the slightly condescending tone of your comment rest; we don’t know each other and I do not know why you (have to) use it. 2) Criticising an elephant for not being a zebra is always fun. I write about concepts of security in Coronatimes; you think I should write about what you think is more important. 3) FYI I am fully aware that poverty kills, I even mention it in Part 1 and I have lived and worked for years in Somalia and Burundi, at the time I was there, they were the poorest countries on earth. I’m not the slightest shielded from the facts. 4) It’s strange to me that you think that poverty is a root cause of everything and that the reason it has not been solved is lack of political will rather than capitalism, development and security thinking and policies. (There are reasons why China has virtually eradicated poverty but admittedly, they had the political will). 5) I fail to understand that you don’t seem to appreciate that if – IF – less money would be spent on militarism, there would in principle at least (yes, naive, utopian…) be more available to solve both the development/poverty and the environmental destruction. Finally, if as you say you’ve been advocating the human right to security over the last 40 years, I fail to understand why you write the way you do when the whole point for me is to advocated human – from the individual to the global – security and common security instead of nationalistic, militaristic military security. But that is your choice and I hope you will enjoy a bit more other parts of this Series and whatever you may also find here on The Transnational.

  9. Steven A Key   April 13, 2020 at 8:33 am

    Thank You Jan

  10. Manuel Herranz Martín   April 8, 2020 at 7:25 am

    Thank you Jan for your great and constant work, Jan.

    I am taking this chance to participate in that dialogue since common human security is mentioned. I would like to expose my view on this. Human common security is the way to end up with weapons or arms, objects meant to kill, destroy and, possibly, most of all, deprive. If we make inclusive decisions, how can we produce to harm? We will only think about how to benefit us all. Indeed, beside arms, everything is there to serve us, to enhance our lives, to make us healthy and happy. But arms are only because each other, this is actually to say, the arm is by itself.

    The problem in the past was that we could not get rid of it unilaterally, to even think it would mean ruin and defeat for the state, therefore common human sense it has been forbidden in history -you can check Socrates case, just by reading Plato Apology.

    However, today we can get rid of weapons universally, together and simultaneusly as it requires, we can also use common sense, non discrimination, also because we can speak for and in front of humanity which is now at our reach, therefore we, Human Unity Movement, are calling for a world Congress on human unity in order to stablishing that human common security you mention here and an overall cooperation system.

    Hereby I am asking for your formal support.

    We are expecting to meet soon with Madrid City Hall for fixing up the date and venue so that we can emit invitations. It would be great if we get support your and the more support the better.

    Thank you very much for your consideration
    Best regards

  11. Pingback: The Corona - An opportunity to replace militarist security with common and human security. Part 2 | The Transnational

  12. Vicky   April 4, 2020 at 5:31 pm

    I just now read your press info 562 on the corona issue and I found it to be excellent! Yes, a comparatively small killer (my heart goes out to those who have been affected, of course), which has been hyped up out of all proportions by the mainstream media and at the speed of light we have lost our freedom of movement and it’s like living in a police state. I align with your “cynical” hypothesis 4, I’m afraid. For me, it’s all about – or, at least, a good excuse for – population control. After this, our freedoms will be tapped in the name of “being prepared for the next virus” and the level of surveillance will increase. Already now, they are testing drones and cameras to catch people who are transgressing the imposed limitations. Also, new technology on smartphones that will raise the alarm when people are inside the social distancing requirements. And movement restrictions mean no protests as you say. It’s madness how many people have just fallen for all the fear and are lapping up each mainstream news update, stuck in their home prisons. I hope with all my heart that I am proven to be wrong. Meantime, I think it’s important on a personal level to counteract the fear by aligning as much as possible with love and altruism. Of course, it’s also critical to filter our sources of information so as to be accurately informed e.g. on the upcoming issue of a [mandatory] vaccine.

  13. F Jahanpour   April 2, 2020 at 6:48 pm

    Without wishing to minimise the significance of COVID-19 and the potential (and so far unknown) danger that it poses to the whole world, I believe your points are valid. Sooner or later, the pandemic will be controlled or at least be regarded as a normal menace, such as flu or malaria that kill hundreds of thousands of people worldwide every year.

    However, the more serious problems of climate change, the huge and immoral gap between rich and poor countries that condemns millions to disease & starvation, militarism and senseless wars that have killed millions already in this century, and above all the mindset that allows some powerful countries to regard themselves as exceptional and superior to the rest of mankind and pursue their lust for self-gratification, subjugating other nations that do not surrender to the empire will still remain with us.

    The pandemic will probably change the way that we behave. It can either encourage us to go deeper into our national shell and give rise to chauvinistic nationalism, or it can open our eyes to the fact that there is one small earth, a global village, and one humanity, and that we are all in it together and must cooperate for the sake of the common good. The outcome is not yet known, and we should try to make sure that the second way of thinking will prevail. Otherwise, humanity will face an uncertain future.


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