The Second World War was unnecessary, although probably inevitable

The Second World War was unnecessary, although probably inevitable

Jonathan Power June 22, 2020 Tomorrow the tanks will roll across Moscow’s Red Square. It is the day of the great parade to mark the 75th anniversary of the ending of the Second World War. In the West, it’s not that well-known a fact that the Soviet Union lost many more soldiers and civilians in […]

Why do dictators want to be writers?

Why do dictators want to be writers?

By Jonathan Power April 9, 2019 “Since the days of the Roman Empire”, Daniel Kalder wrote in his book “The Infernal Library”, “dictators have written books, but in the twentieth century there was a Krakatoa-like eruption of despotic verbiage, which continues flowing to this day.” It’s a strange thing but true that many dictators began […]